A.Borrelli's HVAC & Plumbing Guide

HVAC Tips For New Homeowners

Written by A. Borrelli Mechanical | 7/28/2020

Source: Feverpitch

This summer, thousands of New Yorkers moved their residences to the suburbs of Westchester County. Moving from an apartment into a house can be overwhelming at first. Here's what new homeowners should know about their HVAC systems.

What Type of HVAC System Does Your New Home Have?

Do you have central air? Is it a zoned system? Knowing this can help you understand how to better operate your system and make your home more comfortable.

How Old Is Your HVAC System?

Knowing the age of your HVAC system will tell you how efficient it is, what type of maintenance it may require, and you should be replacing it. Generally, anything 10 years or older should be replaced. If you are unsure, ask your local HVAC professional.

Should I Run my Air Conditioning When I'm Not Home?

Your new home is likely bigger than your city apartment. Therefore, it takes more time and energy to cool. Because of this, leaving your AC running will actually save you money on next months energy bill.

Rather than turning it off when you leave the house, turn the temperature up a few degrees. This will prevent your AC from overworking to re-cool your house when you return.

Is There Something Wrong With My AC?

A homeowner should know the signs of an HVAC emergency. You should turn off your system immediately and call for help if you experience the following:

  • Screeching noises coming from your AC
  • Smoke coming from your AC
  • "Crunching" or "grinding" sounds coming from your AC

Who to Call for HVAC Maintenance in Westchester County

With over 40 years of experience serving New York, A. Borrelli can help with all of your home HVAC needs. If you are a new homeowner in the area, contact us for your HVAC questions and inquiries.