A.Borrelli's HVAC & Plumbing Guide

How to Spring Into Action When You Find a Leaking Pipe

Written by A. Borrelli Mechanical | 3/17/2021

Now that spring has arrived, it's time to inspect your pipes to ensure there are no leaks. The expansion and contractions due to temperature fluctuations during Spring can cause pipes to crack. Leaky pipes can wreak havoc on your home and belongings. Read on to see what you should do if you find a leak. 

How to Check for Leaks

A good way to detect a leak is to look for dripping or standing water, as well as any musty odors or mold growth. Pay close attention to how your shower and faucets are working. If your water pressure suddenly seems low you might have a leak or a problem with your water heater.

If the leaking pipe is in a wall, you’ll likely notice softening, discoloration, and/or bubbling of the drywall. 

Step 1: Call a Plumber!

Before you do anything else, call a plumber immediately. A trained professional will be able to perform repair work on your plumbing system or replace any damaged parts with new equipment and parts.

While you wait for the plumber, here are a few things you can do to temporarily fix your leaky pipe problem.

1) Turn off the water. Hopefully, you already know where your main water shut-off valve is. This will keep you from wasting any more water through the leak, and also reduce any damage that is done by the leaking pipe.

2) Dry the damaged area. Use a towel or rag to dry the damaged area around the pipe. 

3) Empty the pipe of all water once the main water valve is shut off. Simply turn the faucets on normally and let the water flow out. This will help your plumber repair the leak quickly. 

Contact us today if you have any signs of serious damage or leaking in your plumbing.